Conferenza EAEPE 2022, 7 - 9 settembre 2022
organizzata da Massimo Aprea e Giovanni Gallo
Conferenza ESPANET 2022, Unmiversità di Bari 1 - 3 settembre 2022
con la partecipazione di Eleonora Costantini
web-conference| 24/05/2022
con la partecipazione di Margherita Russo
Book presentation | 03/05/2022
Roma, Sala Zuccari (palazzo Giustiniani)
Modena | 18 ottobre 2019
con la partecipazione di Paolo Silvestri
Rome | 17 Ocytober 2019
con la partecipazione di Massimo Baldini, Carlo Mazzaferro and Stefano Toso
Rome | 25 september 2019
Massimo Baldini presents The Italian public finance. Report 2019 (La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 2019)
Urbino | 19-21 September 2019
with the participation of Luca Bonacini and Sara Colombini
Modena | December 10th 2018
With the participation of Massimo Baldini and Maria Cecilia Guerra, this will be a meeting about the issue of challenges opened by the new millennium, from climate changes to planetary inequalities in acceding to food, water, energy, environment, education and health.
Bologna | December 3rd 2018
Speaking tour of the publishing Society Il Mulino about the issues of the economic politics with the participation of Carlo Mazzaferro.
Bologna | November 27th 2018
With the participation of Maria Cecilia Guerra and Stefano Toso
Modena | November 27th 2018
Series of meetings Equal before the law 70 years after the establishment of the Constitution! supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation for social studies. With the participation of Massimo Baldini.
Rome | November 16th 2018
With the participation of Maria Cecilia Guerra
London | 14th November, 2018
With the participation of Francesco Pagliacci
Castelfranco Emilia | November 7th 2018
An introduction to citizenship made by the Council Member for Education and Deputy Mayor of Castelfranco Maurizia Cocchi Bonora and Giuseppe Fiorani, who will show the findings of this research.
Soliera (MODENA) | October 27th 2018
Giovanni Gallo and Marco Ranuzzini introduce the assessment of the social department store of Portobello.
Modena | November 9th 2018
A manifesto supported by a team of scholars, who believe that contrasting inequality is a top priority for the benefits that may result in economy, society and democracy. Event planned within the framework of the 50 years of Marco Biagi Economics Department.
Modena | October 19th 2018
Presentation of the assessment of the social department store of Portobello
Modena | October 12th 2018
Conference on the discussion of the contents of the Report which has been organized in the framework of the 50 years of Marco Biagi Economics Department
Modena | October 12 2018
Conference organized within the fifty-year period of the Marco Biagi Department of Economics
Florence | September 13th 15th 2018
With the participation of Giovanni Gallo, Marco Ranuzzini and Francesco Pagliacci
Rome, Chamber of Deputies | September 13th 2018
Massimo Baldini introduces the volume The Italian public finance
Carpi, Auditorium San Rocco, April 7th 2018, 9,45 a.m.
Together to grow up. Immigrants impact on Italian economy
Novara | November 14th 2017
Presentation of Giampaolo Arachis and Massimo Baldinis book with the curators participation
Modena | October 20th- 22th 2017
With the participation of Massimo Baldini in the meeting about Inequality, poverty and migration that will take place on Saturday 21st October within the Law Department.
Modena | October 20th 2017
With the participation of Tindara Addabbo in the session about Conversations in terms of labour relations What policies to contrast discriminations in employment? and of Maria Cecilia Guerra in the panel discussion Left-wing dialogues for job and knowledge. With full rights for everyone.
Rome | 28 e 29 September 2017
With the participation of Massimo Baldini on the theme "Family, Taxes and Money Transfers in Italy" in the Working Group "Proposals and Perspectives for a tax system supporting families".
Forlì | September 21st 23rd 2017
Sessions on the study of the welfare policies with the participation of Massimo Baldini, Sara Colombini and Giovanni Gallo.
Rome, September 13th 2017
This conference will address the issue of the fiscal developments in view of the autumn maneuvering beginning from the assessment contained in the volume by Giampaolo Arachi and Massimo Baldini The Italian Public Finance: 2017 report.
New York | 17th-19th July 2017
Luca Silvestri presents the paper "Quality of government and subjective poverty in Europe", by Massimo Baldini, Vito Peragine and Luca Silvestri.
Rome | July 6th 2017 2,00 p.m.
Marco Ranuzzini introduces the research findings on the effects of the 2015 anti-crisis plan on the beneficiaries of the law enforcement project against poverty between services and volunteering carried out in Terre dArgine Union.
Modena | June 8th 2017 6,00 p.m.
Massimo Baldini talks about this issue and the policies against poverty with Elisabetta Gualmini, Deputy Chair and Alderwoman to Emilia-Romagna region social policies in the meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation.
Bologna | May 6th and 20th 2017
Two study days in order to understand Italy today and perhaps the world of tomorrow with the participation of Tindara Addabbo, Giuseppe Fiorani and Stefano Toso.
Ferrara | May 19th 2017
Paolo Silvestri participates in the meeting with the experience of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: From the Joint involvement to quality.
Modena | April 3rd 2017 5,00 p.m.
Enrico Giovannetti discusses the issue of microcredit as a tool of social cohesion with Giorgio Bonaga, Francesca Crivellaro and social agents of the territory in the meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation.
Rome | March 9th 2017 3,30 p.m.
Maria Cecilia Guerra participates in the discussion with the authors Maurizio Franzini and Mario Pianta (Inequalities: how much are them, how can we fight against them, ed. Laterza) and Elena Granaglia and Magda Bolzoni (The minimum income, ed. Ediesse).
Luxembourg | February 16th 2017 H. 12:00
Giovanni Gallo presents the paper "Social transfers and poverty in Europe: comparing exclusion and targeting across welfare regimes".
Modena | February 14th 2017 6,00 p.m.
Paolo Bosi discusses the issue of inequality in the meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation.
Modena | February 9th 2017 8,45 p.m.
Massimo Baldini participates in the discussion about the income support measures enhanced by Emilia Romagna Region and the Municipality of Modena.
Modena | January 23rd 2017 5,30 p.m.
JUST TO GET AN IMPRESSION! In the same boat, documentary movie produced and directed by Rudy Gnutti
Rome | 13 September 2016
Massimo Baldini and Giampaolo Arachi present the volume "Italian Public Finance"
About Ermanno Gorrieri's social studies project | 17/05/2016 | h. 18.00
Modena | Europa Palace | Via Emilia Ovest 101
Paris | Dauphine University | 09/05/2016
Giovanni Gallo: Individual heterogeneity and pension choices: How to communicate an effective message?
Modena | DEMB | 05-06/05/2016
Anna Francesca Pattaro, Marco Ranuzzini: Emergency response among rules and reality. Extraordinary accounting in Emilia-Romagna earthquake.
Michele Bruni's seminar for researchers and students: a proposals for a new research agenda
Fondazione Marco Biagi | 21/04/2016 h: 14.30
Third national meeting for a reform proposal | 08/04/2016
Milan | Centro Servizi, building of the Banca Popolare of Milan | Conference hall | via Massaua 6
Joint Workshop by the Departments of Economics of: Bologna, Modena-Reggio Emilia, Padova, and Venezia | 06/04/2016
Bologna| Aula 11 - Department of Economics Piazza Scaravilli 2
Municipality of Modena | 15/01/2016 | h.18:00
Modena | Palazzina Pucci - via Canaletto 108
Seminar | 10/11/2015 | h. 17:30
Modena | Chiostro via San Giminiano 3
UK Department of Health Seminar | 19/10/2015
International day for the eradication of poverty | 17/10/2015 | h. 18:00
Bologna | Casa del Popolo Leonido Corazza, Sandonato (BO)
SPI CGIL | 15/10/2015 | h. 9:30-12:00
Modena | Camera del Lavoro di Modena - Piazza Cittadella 36
Presentation of the book | 22/09/2015
Rome | Unicredit - Sala Minerva via Lata 3 (angolo via del Corso)
House of Lords Seminar Meeting the costs of disability and independent living | 24/06/2015
media coverage: The Guardian; BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight.
DEMB, CAPP e Progetto Energie incontrano Center for Local Governance (CLG) | 10-11/05/2015
Modena | Marco Biagi Economics Department
Seminar | 8/05/2015 | h. 9:30
Modena | Marco Biagi Economics Department
E. Gorrieri's Foundation, Discourse on Inequality | 04/04/2014 | h. 18:00
Modena | Palazzo Europa - via Emilia Centro 101
Presentation of the book | 10/01/2014 | h. 17:30-19:00
Modena | Marco Biagi Economics Department, aula 4 - Viale J. Berengario 51
Workshop | 03/12/2013 | h. 13:30
Milano | Bocconi University , room AS02 - via Roentgen 1
Workshop "Tackling Pensions Challenges in Europe - Better policies through better modelling" | 27/11/2013
Seminar | 28/10/2013 | h. 14:30-20:00
Mirandola | Municipio di Mirandola (Town hall), Sala Consiliare - Via Giolitti 2
Conference | 11/10/2013 | h. 9:30
Bologna | Aula Magna (lecture hall) - Viale A. Moro 30
Workshop | 04/10/2013 | h. 9:45
Modena | Auditorium "Marco Biagi" - Largo Marco Biagi 10
Presentation of the book | 17/09/2013
Roma | Camera dei Deputati (Chamber of Deputies), Palazzo Marini
Public Debate | 27/05/2013
Modena | Marco Biagi Economics Department - Viale J. Berengario 51
Workshop CRISS and La Sapienza University | 09/05/2013 | h. 10:45
Roma | Economics Department, Palazzina della Presidenza, Sala del Consiglio
Palazzo Europa, Modena, 23 - 24 novembre 2012 Sala Ermanno Gorrieri
with the partecipation of M.C.Guerra, M.Baldini, S.Toso
Modena | 29 ottobre 2012
Professor Maria Cecilia Guerra State Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
European meeting of international microsimulation association | 17-19/05/2012
Parents committee for the day care centres and nursery schools of Bologna | 08/10/2011
Fourth annual conference ESPAnet Italia | 29/09/2011 - 01/10/2011