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International Conference "Industry 4.0 - ten years later"

Modena, 17-19 maggio 2023

International Conference "Industry 4.0 - ten years later"

Workshop "Growth, technology and industrial policy:European and Italian perspectives"

arch 31st, 2023, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics, Rome Via del Castro Laurenziano, 9

with the participation of Margherita Russo

Nasce a Modena il “Welfare DataLab" per politiche sociali sostenibili

Comune, Unimore, Ausl, Agenzia per il lavoro, Inail condivideranno dati e conoscenze. Obiettivo: costruire un welfare in grado di rispondere e prevedere i bisogni.

special session: "Target efficiency of Minimum Income Schemes: a guide to a key policy tool in post-pandemic advanced societies"

Conferenza EAEPE 2022, 7 - 9 settembre 2022

organizzata da Massimo Aprea e Giovanni Gallo

La sfida del PNRR. La ricostruzione del welfare e le dinamiche della complessità

Conferenza ESPANET 2022, Unmiversità di Bari 1 - 3 settembre 2022

con la partecipazione di Eleonora Costantini

La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 2021

Book presentation | 03/05/2022

Roma, Sala Zuccari (palazzo Giustiniani)

Regional Economics and digital transformations (CIMR Debates and workshops in public policy

con la partecipazione di Federica Rossi

2 marzo 2022, evento online

Does Inequality Matter? How People Perceive Economic Disparities and Social Mobility

with the participation of Emanuele Ciani

Virtual launch of new OECD report and high-level roundtable 18 November 2021 16:00-17:30, withh the participation of Emanuele Ciani

ERSA 2021 Conference: Territorial Futures: Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe.

[online event] 24-24 August 2021

With the participation of Margherita Russo e Pasquale Pavone

L’industria dell’auto e la Cina nell’era dell’auto elettrica e della mobilità sostenibile

2 July 2021, Marco Biagi Department of Economics, Modena

With the participation of Margherita Russo

International colloquium of Gerpisa 2021

[evento online] 14-18 June 2021

With the participation of Margherita Russo

Family act - l'Assegno Unico Universale per i Figli

[online event] 26 march 2021, 14.30

With the participation of Paolo Bosi, Massimo Baldini and Giovanni Gallo

How can HEIs promote transformation in regional economies?

[online event] 27 january 2021, 11 am

with the participation of Margherita Russo

Using STI policy evidence for analysis and advice: Introducing the STIP Data Lab

[online event] 4 December 2020, 14.00-15:30

EC-OECD Innovation and growth, webinar series, with the participation of Margherita Russo

“Towards an integrated plan of interventions on buildings’ and territorial systems’ seismic improvement and energy efficiency- RISE”

[online event] 27 october 2020, 10.00 - 18.15 Co-ordinators: Stefano Pampanin and Margherita Russo

“Towards an integrated plan of interventions on buildings’ and territorial systems’ seismic improvement and energy efficiency- RISE”

Innovation intermediaries and emerging digital technologies: policy and practice

[online event] 7 luglio 2020, ore 14.00 - 16.30

organized by CIMR,Birkbeck University

Science-industry co-creation in the digital economy

[online event] 1 luglio 2020, ore 14.00 - 16.30

organized by CIMR,Birkbeck University with the participation of i Federica Rossi and Annalisa Caloffi

Why do we need science-based co-creation?

19 June 2020

with the participation of Margherita Russo

Post Covid19 innovation and reconstruction: protagonists and policies

29 may 2020, h. 18.00

webinar by Fondazione Brodolini, with the participation of Margherita Russo

Talk - The new social and economic balances: an inevitable path for the recovery of the economy

27 may 2020

Talk - The new social and economic balances: an inevitable path for the recovery of the economy

Convegno “Innovazione didattica e competenze. L’esperienza di Unimore”

Modena | 18 ottobre 2019

con la partecipazione di Paolo Silvestri

Le decisioni di politica fiscale per il 2019. Impatti e valutazioni

Rome | 17 Ocytober 2019

con la partecipazione di Massimo Baldini, Carlo Mazzaferro and Stefano Toso

Conference "Tecnologia, organizzazione e tematiche globali"

Rome | 17 October 2019

with the participation of Margherita Russo

Incontro formativo "Diamoci una scossa"

Modena | 8 October 2019

with the participation of Margherita Russo

Book launch | The Italian public finance. Report 2019 (La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 2016)

Rome | 25 september 2019

Massimo Baldini presents The Italian public finance. Report 2019 (La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 2019)

Digital Innovation in Agriculture and Beyond: Policy Insights

Rome | 23-24 September 2019

with the participation of Margherita Russo and Federica Rossi

XII Espanet Conference 2019: TERRITORI DEL WELFARE (de-)globalizzazioni, innovazioni e conservazioni

Urbino | 19-21 September 2019

with the participation of Luca Bonacini and Sara Colombini

40th International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation-IWPLMS 2019

Düsseldorf | 9-10 September 2019

with the participation of Margherita Russo

Workshop "RIS3 in macro-regional strategies"

Milan | 25 June 2019

With the participation of Margherita Russo and Pasquale Pavone

Workshop on Well-being gender budgeting

Modena | May 30th 2019

Organized by Tindara Addabbo

Local Authorities and Fiscal Federalism

with the participation of Maria Cecilia Guerra

XVIII edition of SIE Prize for the best PhD thesis

Giovanni Gallo and Luca Silvestri among the finalists

Available on line the risults of "Energie Sisma Emilia" project

Available on line the risults of "Energie Sisma Emilia" project

Corporate and territorial welfare: benefits for everyone?

Modena | 22 March 2019

with the participation of Paolo Bosi and Maria Cecilia Guerra

The results of the Dignity Income: evaluation and prospects

Bari | 1 marzo 2019

with the participation of Massimo Baldini


Modena | December 10th 2018

With the participation of Massimo Baldini and Maria Cecilia Guerra, this will be a meeting about the issue of challenges opened by the new millennium, from climate changes to planetary inequalities in acceding to food, water, energy, environment, education and health.

The major issues of the economic politics. Review of the Pensions Act: who will pay for young people’s pensions?

Bologna | December 3rd 2018

Speaking tour of the publishing Society “Il Mulino” about the issues of the economic politics with the participation of Carlo Mazzaferro.

A debate: equality currency

Bologna | November 27th 2018

With the participation of Maria Cecilia Guerra and Stefano Toso

PolicySeminar UniFE. Fifty years of second tier of collective bargaining negotiations: what do we learn from Lamborghini-case?

Ferrara | November 27th 2018

Armanda Cetrulo, Pasquale Pavone and Margherita Russo introduce the research work resulting from an agreement between Automobili Lamborghini Ltd. and the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli – Psychology Department and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Marco Biagi Economics Department.

Art. 53 of the Constitution – Revenue progressiveness: Flat Tax: equal parts among unequal

Modena | November 27th 2018

Series of meetings “Equal before the law…70 years after the establishment of the Constitution!” supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation for social studies. With the participation of Massimo Baldini.

Panel discussion: When we were so close: Italy-Europe, what happened then?

Rome | November 16th 2018

With the participation of Maria Cecilia Guerra

ESPON Scientific Conference 2018 "Building the next generation of research on territorial development"

London | 14th November, 2018

With the participation of Francesco Pagliacci

Presentation of citizenship research: a project for our children’s future

Castelfranco Emilia | November 7th 2018

An introduction to citizenship made by the Council Member for Education and Deputy Mayor of Castelfranco Maurizia Cocchi Bonora and Giuseppe Fiorani, who will show the findings of this research.

“solidER”: the third festival of Empori Solidali Emilia Romagna

Soliera (MODENA) | October 27th 2018

Giovanni Gallo and Marco Ranuzzini introduce the assessment of the social department store of Portobello.

A manifesto against inequality: how and why?

Modena | November 9th 2018

A “manifesto” supported by a team of scholars, who believe that contrasting inequality is a top priority for the benefits that may result in economy, society and democracy. Event planned within the framework of the 50 years of Marco Biagi Economics Department.

The first five years of Portobello

Modena | October 19th 2018

Presentation of the assessment of the social department store of Portobello

The government finance towards the 2019 Budget Law

Modena | October 12th 2018

Conference on the discussion of the contents of the Report which has been organized in the framework of the 50 years of Marco Biagi Economics Department

Let’s move on! A study day about Earthquake risk prevention

September 30th 2018

Let’s move on! A study day about Earthquake risk prevention

Conference "The Italian public finance towards the 2019 budget law"

Modena | October 12 2018

Conference organized within the fifty-year period of the Marco Biagi Department of Economics

Eleventh Conference | ESPAnet Italia “Beyond the continuity: welfare challenges in a global world”

Florence | September 13th – 15th 2018

With the participation of Giovanni Gallo, Marco Ranuzzini and Francesco Pagliacci

Presentation of the volume: The Italian public finance. 2018 report.

Rome, Chamber of Deputies | September 13th 2018

Massimo Baldini introduces the volume “The Italian public finance”

Awarding of the title of Professor Emeritus to Paolo Bosi

Modena, Chancellorship Auditorium, April 18th 2018, 10,30 a.m.

Awarding of the title of Professor Emeritus to Paolo Bosi

Ben-essere (Well-being) in Emilia-Romagna: the gender budgeting from the district to municipalities

Bologna, Multifunctional Hall Guido Fanti, April 10th 2018, 9,30 a.m. – 1,00 p.m.

Ben-essere (Well-being) in Emilia-Romagna: the gender budgeting from the district to municipalities

Together to grow up. Immigrants’ impact on Italian economy

Carpi, Auditorium San Rocco, April 7th 2018, 9,45 a.m.

Together to grow up. Immigrants’ impact on Italian economy

Workshop: "Semantic analysis for innovation policy"

Paris | March 12th - 13th 2018

Workshop on the innovation policies analysis organized by OECD with the participation of Margherita Russo and Pasquale Pavone .

For the right to vote! 70 years after the establishment of the Italian Constitution: women between past and future achievements

Modena, Auditorium CISL (Federation of Italian trade Unions), March 8th 2018, 9,30 a.m. – 12,30 p.m.

For the right to vote! 70 years after the establishment of the Italian Constitution: women between past and future achievements

Study Day “Seismic sequence: reconstruction stories between Emilia and Central Italy”

Modena | January 13th 2018

The Modena Photography Foundation promotes a Study Day within the Chamber of Commerce with the participation of Margherita Russo on “Changes in the study of the socio-economic effects of the earthquake: models, data, analysis tools”.

Workshop “Factory job, job’s factory. The job culture between globalization and transformation. The Lamborghini experience”

Bologna | November 30th 2017

Margherita Russo participates in the debate at the workshop of the cultural Anthropology course taught by Fulvia D’Aloisio.

Workshop "Research, innovation and networking for the Alpine region"

Munich | November 24th 2017

Margherita Russo participates at the Action group 1 Workshop at the 1st Annual Forum of the EU strategy for the Alpine Region.

Presentation of the book “The Italian Public Finance”

Novara | November 14th 2017

Presentation of Giampaolo Arachi’s and Massimo Baldini’s book with the curators’ participation

Seminars "The voices of regional policy actors"

Modena | November 9th-30th 2017

Paola Bertolini organizes the seminars within the course of Regional Policy, Master in Economics and Public Policies.

Migration Festival 2017 “The right to travel: to leave, to arrive and to remain”

Modena | October 20th- 22th 2017

With the participation of Massimo Baldini in the meeting about “Inequality, poverty and migration” that will take place on Saturday 21st October within the Law Department.

Conference “For a good and full employment”

Modena | October 20th 2017

With the participation of Tindara Addabbo in the session about Conversations in terms of labour relations “What policies to contrast discriminations in employment?” and of Maria Cecilia Guerra in the panel discussion “Left-wing dialogues for job and knowledge. With full rights for everyone”.

12th Nordic Conference on Behavioural and Experimental Economics

Gothenburg | October 5th-6th 2017

Francesca Pancotto presents the results of the project "Energie Sisma Emilia": The effect of a natural disaster on the​ contribution to the public good. A lab-in-the field experiment, by F. Pancotto, S. Righi​, M. Russo

Third National Conference on Family "The stronger the family, the stronger the country"

Rome | 28 e 29 September 2017

With the participation of Massimo Baldini on the theme "Family, Taxes and Money Transfers in Italy" in the Working Group "Proposals and Perspectives for a tax system supporting families".

The tenth conference ESPAnet Italia: Welfare and the losers in globalization: the social policies in front of new and old inequalities

Forlì | September 21st – 23rd 2017

Sessions on the study of the welfare policies with the participation of Massimo Baldini, Sara Colombini and Giovanni Gallo.

Workshop "The impacts of digital transformation on innovation across sectors"

London | September 21st-22nd 2017

The workshop will provide inputs to the TIP Digital and Open Innovation project. Margherita Russo participates in the discussion in Panel 1: "New business models and innovation dynamics across sectors".

Workshop "Comment jouer les prolongation au travail? Effet des politiques d'allongement de la vie active sur la santé er différences genréèes"

Paris | September 21st 2017

Tindara Addbbo participates in the workshop in the framework of the COST IS1409 action “Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries”.

Seminar "Competencies and functions of territorial authorities in Alpine States"

Modena | September 15th 2017

The seminar of Professor Simone Scagliarini will be held on September 15 from 3 pm to 5 pm in the "aula seminari" of UNIMORE.

Conference “The Italian Public Finance between adjustment of the accounts and structural reforms”

Rome, September 13th 2017

This conference will address the issue of the fiscal developments in view of the autumn maneuvering beginning from the assessment contained in the volume by Giampaolo Arachi and Massimo Baldini “The Italian Public Finance: 2017 report”.

HDCA 2017 Conference “Challenging Inequalities: Human Development and Social Change”

Cape Town | September 6th-8th 2017

Antonella Picchio and Caterina Arciprete presents the the paper "Budgeting from a gender perspective in a Wellbeing Capability Approach: the case of Senegal" by Tindara Addabbo, Caterina Arciprete, Mario Biggeri and Antonella Picchio.

RE-SEARCH ALPS: a first map of european research

A European research project carried out on a collaborative basis by DEMB (Marco Biagi Economics Department) and DIEF (Enzo Ferrari Engineering Department)

RE-SEARCH ALPS: a first map of european research

7th Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality ECINEQ

New York | 17th-19th July 2017

Luca Silvestri presents the paper "Quality of government and subjective poverty in Europe", by Massimo Baldini, Vito Peragine and Luca Silvestri.

Workshop CAPP on innovation policies

Modena | July 14th 2017 10,30 a.m. – 5,00 p.m.

This workshop gives a chance to discuss the research findings yielded by CAPP on two empirical analyses carried out in cooperation with the Region of Tuscany and the European Commission Joint Research Centre. A special session will be on More-Alps project, fulfilled in cooperation with LM LACOM (Master’s degree in Languages for Communication in International Enterprises and Organizations) of DSLC-Unimore (Department of Studies on Languages and Cultures of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) and the EUSALP Action Group 1.

Let us help each other out: a law enforcement project against poverty between services and volunteering

Rome | July 6th 2017 2,00 p.m.

Marco Ranuzzini introduces the research findings on the effects of the 2015 anti-crisis plan on the beneficiaries of the law enforcement project against poverty between services and volunteering carried out in Terre d’Argine Union.

Workshop “New developments paths for the internal areas of the Marche Appennines”

Camerino | June 22nd 2017

Workshop in the conference room of UNICAM (University of Camerino) rectory with the participation of Margherita Russo: “To learn from other experiences: the Energie Sisma Emilia project”.

Workshop: “Innovation and the digital economy: What role for innovation policies?”

Paris | 14th June 2017

Margherita Russo takes part in the session on "Innovation policies for the digital transition".

JUST TO GET AN IMPRESSION! Policies against poverty. Where do we go from here?

Modena | June 8th 2017 6,00 p.m.

Massimo Baldini talks about this issue and the policies against poverty with Elisabetta Gualmini, Deputy Chair and Alderwoman to Emilia-Romagna region social policies in the meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation.

School, Freedom and Justice: “A jobless society?”

Bologna | May 6th and 20th 2017

Two study days in order to understand Italy today and perhaps the world of tomorrow with the participation of Tindara Addabbo, Giuseppe Fiorani and Stefano Toso.

Assessment of the teaching activity in university

Ferrara | May 19th 2017

Paolo Silvestri participates in the meeting with the experience of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: “From the Joint involvement to quality”.

Conference “Enterprise and new job cultures. A multidisciplinary approach”

Caserta | May 17th 2017

With the participation of Margherita Russo on “German corporations in Emilia. The Lamborghini case and the consequences on the territory”.

ARS '17 International Workshop Challenges in social Network Research

Naples | 16-17 May 2017

Margherita Russo presents the paper "Clustering and network analysis of techno-economic segments characterizing emergent", by Margherita Russo, Annalisa Caloffi, Federica Rossi and Pasquale Pavone.

Circular Economy

Modena | May 17th 2017

Enrico Giovannetti talks about the new economic model in favour of the social and environmental welfare.

Natural disasters between crisis and opportunities

Roma | May 8th 2017

Margherita Russo participates at seminar organized by the Enterprise Communication managment Course M.A. in Economics and Communication in Managment of Innovation

“Sisma Bonus (Earthquake Bonus). An opportunity to prevent”

Sassuolo | May 6th 2017

Conference organized by the Order of Engineers of Modena, with the participation of Margherita Russo on the issue “The economic analysis of the damages caused by earthquakes and the importance of Casa Italia project”.

National Conference of the Equality Bodies in Italian Universities

Udine | May 3rd-5th 2017

Tindara Addabbo will participate in the meeting “Freedom is participation! From women’s education to their professional and social position. The university Equality Bodies role” on the guidelines for the Gender Budgeting in universities.

OIS Open Innovation Summit

Turin, Italy | 5th-7th April 2017

Margherita Russo participates in the first session where international experts offer a panoramic view of the system conditions that cities can implement in order to boost their capacity to innovate and generate an inclusive environment for economic development.

JUST TO GET AN IMPRESSION! Microcredit: a tool for social inclusion?

Modena | April 3rd 2017 5,00 p.m.

Enrico Giovannetti discusses the issue of microcredit as a tool of social cohesion with Giorgio Bonaga, Francesca Crivellaro and social agents of the territory in the meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation.

Literacy, learning, art

Rovigo | March 17th-18th 2017

Conference on the cultural divide of the weak rural areas with the participation of Paola Bertolini, Enrico Giovannetti, Francesco Pagliacci

Rossi-Doria Centre: presentations of books on inequalities

Rome | March 9th 2017 3,30 p.m.

Maria Cecilia Guerra participates in the discussion with the authors Maurizio Franzini and Mario Pianta (Inequalities: how much are them, how can we fight against them, ed. Laterza) and Elena Granaglia and Magda Bolzoni (The minimum income, ed. Ediesse).

Conference: Let us help each other out: from the economic need to autonomy

Carpi | February 25th 2017 9,00 a.m.

Marco Ranuzzini introduces the CAPP research findings on the effects of the 2015 Anti-crisis project on the beneficiaries.

LISER Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research: Research Seminar

Luxembourg | February 16th 2017 H. 12:00

Giovanni Gallo presents the paper "Social transfers and poverty in Europe: comparing exclusion and targeting across welfare regimes".

JUST TO GET AN IMPRESSION! In memory of Tony Atkinson.What can we do against inequality today

Modena | February 14th 2017 6,00 p.m.

Paolo Bosi discusses the issue of inequality in the meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation.

Solidarity income in Emilia-Romagna

Modena | February 9th 2017 8,45 p.m.

Massimo Baldini participates in the discussion about the income support measures enhanced by Emilia Romagna Region and the Municipality of Modena.

Workshop: L’industria automotive italiana: quadro attuale e scenari futuri

Venezia | December 16th 2016

Margherita Russo participates in the Round Table at the presentation of the 2016 Report of the Observatory on Italian automotive components.

Measuring the impact of academic research: best practices and open questions

London | December 2nd 2016

Federica Rossi presents "Academic engagement as knowledge co-production, and the implications for impact: evidence from Knowledge Transfer Partnerships"

Conference "Do it before!"

Modena | 26 november 2016

Margherita Russo presents a report about the results of the Energie Sisma Emilia Project