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JUST TO GET AN IMPRESSION! “In the same boat”, documentary movie produced and directed by Rudy Gnutti

Modena | January 23rd 2017 5,30 p.m.

Film forum in memory of the two outstanding scholars of society and inequalities who died recently, Tony Atkinson and Zigmunt Bauman, and who are even among the main characters of the documentary movie.
The meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation will take place on Monday 23rd at 5,30 p.m. in Gorrieri Hall of Palazzo Europa (Modena - Via Emilia Ovest, 101).
Chair and coordinator: Journalist Paolo Tomassone – F.L. Ferrari Centre Chair
Speaker: Economist Massimo Baldini – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – CAPP