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Assessment of the teaching activity in university

Ferrara | May 19th 2017

Paolo Silvestri participates in the meeting with the experience of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: “From the Joint involvement to quality”.

Assessment of the teaching activity in university

Friday, May 19th 2017 (from 9,30 a.m. to 1,00 p.m.)
University of Ferrara
Lecture Hall of the Law Department
Corso Ercole d’Este, 37 – Ferrara

Among the innovation processes launched in Italy in the last years, the assessment of the teaching activity in university is the one that keeps raising the greatest interest and debate. And if this last one, especially in the 90s, took the shape of a dispute and of the corporatist defense, today it qualifies as a multidisciplinary reasoning with the purpose to support a true assessment culture. In this spirit, it constitutes an opportunity to regenerate, in terms of theories, practices and effects, since the assessment boundary is quality. Thus, the main issue for our universities is just that: to agree to work within the proximity dimension between assessment and quality. The University of Ferrara endorsed such considerations long time ago, and it accepted the not easy change challenge to improve either the products or the processes.


9,30 a.m. Delegates’ greetings to the teaching activity (Tiziana Bellini, Evelina Lamma, Paolo Tanganelli – University of Ferrara);

9,45 a.m. Opening of the session (Loredana La Vecchia, Experimental Pedagogy Researcher, University of Ferrara);

10,00 a.m. Students’ voice and the opinion polling tool (Maja Feldt, educational distribution Commissioner, University of Ferrara)

10,15 a.m. Ferrara experience: strategies and good practices (Piero Olivo, University Quality Presidium Commissioner);

10,45 a.m. Professors’ assessment practices and students’ learning (Luciano Galliani, Experimental Pedagogy Professor Emeritus, University of Padova);

11,15 a.m. Students’ and internal stakeholders’ role in the degree courses quality processes (Antonella Nuzzaci, Experimental Pedagogy Professor, University of L’Aquila);

11,45 a.m. From the Joint involvement to quality (Paolo Silvestri, Public Finance Law Professor, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia);

12,15 p.m. Discussion;

1,00 p.m. Conclusion of the speeches.