Rome | March 9th 2017 3,30 p.m.
Maria Cecilia Guerra participates in the discussion with the authors Maurizio Franzini and Mario Pianta (Inequalities: how much are them, how can we fight against them, ed. Laterza) and Elena Granaglia and Magda Bolzoni (The minimum income, ed. Ediesse).
Economic and Social Researches Centre Manlio Rossi-Doria, University Roma Tre
Thursday, March 9th 2017 3,30 p.m.
Council Chamber Law Department
University Roma Tre - Via Ostiense 161 Roma
Maurizio Franzini and Mario Pianta Inequalities:
how much are them, how can we fight against them (Laterza, 2016)
Elena Granaglia and Magda Bolzoni The minimum income (Ediesse, 2016)
It will be discussed with the authors by:
Maria Cecilia Guerra (Unimore and Republic Senate)
Francesco Sinopoli (General Secretary, FLC-CGIL)
Giovanni Vecchi (University of Roma Tor Vergata)
Vincenzo Visco (NENS)
Coordinator: Sergio Ginebri (Universitą Roma Tre)
Streaming live to the link