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PolicySeminar UniFE. Fifty years of second tier of collective bargaining negotiations: what do we learn from Lamborghini-case?

Ferrara | November 27th 2018

Armanda Cetrulo, Pasquale Pavone and Margherita Russo introduce the research work resulting from an agreement between Automobili Lamborghini Ltd. and the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli – Psychology Department and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Marco Biagi Economics Department.

Economics and Management Department
University of Ferrara

Policy Seminar

Tuesday, November 27th | 2,00 p.m. – 4,00 p.m.
Room A5 - Via degli Adelardi 33, FE

Fifty years of second tier of collective bargaining negotiations: what do we learn from Lamborghini-case?
Armanda Cetrulo, Pasquale Pavone e Margherita Russo (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) 

The Policy Seminars are supported and organized by Leonzio Rizzo – Antonio Musolesi

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