29 may 2020, h. 18.00
webinar by Fondazione Brodolini, with the participation of Margherita Russo
Can innovation policies help us recover from the Covid-19 emergency? What concrete actions can we put in place to advance towards the objectives of sustainable development, and not to return to the conditions prior to the emergency? And what role can actions - based on science and technology - capable of mobilizing civil society play?
Margherita Russo, Dipartimento di Economia Marco Biagi
Fabio Fava, Universitą di Bologna
Daniela Ciaffi, Associazione Labsus. Per Fondazione Brodolini modera Barbara De Micheli.
Barbara de Micheli, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini
To see the video-registration of the initiative
link: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=252246755853243&ref=watch_permalink