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Let us help each other out: a law enforcement project against poverty between services and volunteering

Rome | July 6th 2017 2,00 p.m.

Marco Ranuzzini introduces the research findings on the effects of the 2015 anti-crisis plan on the beneficiaries of the law enforcement project against poverty between services and volunteering carried out in Terre d’Argine Union.

Let us help each other out: a law enforcement project against poverty between services and volunteering carried out in Terre d’Argine Union

Thursday July 6th 2017  2,00 p.m. – 5,30 p.m.
Hall Aldo Moro
Montecitorio Palace – Chamber of Deputies


2,00 p.m.
Institutional Greetings by Luigi Bobba, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
2,20 p.m.
Mr Edoardo Patriarca introduces the conference, from the national policies to the local Welfare policies
2,50 p.m.
Presentation of the Anti-crisis Fund project – by Terre d’Argine Union and Carpi Savings and Loan Foundation
- The strategic guidelines, Alberto Bellelli’s Councillors’ point of view – Mayor of Carpi and alderman to social services of Terre d’Argine Union
- The point of view of Carpi Savings and Loan Foundation – Chairman Giuseppe Schena
- Project description by Arianna Agnoletto – Coordinator of the Anti-crisis fund project of Terre d’Argine Union
3,40 p.m.
To start again together. For an active, sustainable and regenerating citizenship model
Chiara Saraceno resumes the contents in a greater reference framework
4,20 p.m.
The project findings, between constraints and resources in terms of volunteering, citizenship and the local welfare system
With the participation of: Chair ASVM (Modena Volunteering Services Association);
Marco Ranuzzini UniMoRe-CAPP; testimonies on the experience of associations and beneficiaries of the project
5,10 p.m.
Contributions by: Luciano Squillaci, Deputy chair CSVNet (Volunteering Service Centres);

Giorgio Righetti, Executive Director Acri (Foundations and Savings and Loans Association Inc.);
Gianluca Cantisani, member of the Third Sector Forum National Coordination
Edoardo Patriarca concludes
Meeting led by: Giovanna Rossiello, TG1 journalist in the TV programme “Fa’ la cosa giusta”

Programme (only italian version available)