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JUST TO GET AN IMPRESSION! Policies against poverty. Where do we go from here?

Modena | June 8th 2017 6,00 p.m.

Massimo Baldini talks about this issue and the policies against poverty with Elisabetta Gualmini, Deputy Chair and Alderwoman to Emilia-Romagna region social policies in the meeting supported by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation.

TO GET AN IDEA! Events promoted by Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation
Thursday,ģ 8 June 2017 - 18:00
Modena - Palazzo Europa - Via Emilia Ovest, 101 - Sala C

Policies to contrast poverty. Where we are?

We discuss the topic with
Massimo Baldini Professor of Finance- University of Modena e Reggio Emilia
Elisabetta Gualmini Vicepresident and Council Member for the Social Policies of Emilia Romagna Region