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How can HEIs promote transformation in regional economies?

[online event] 27 january 2021, 11 am

with the participation of Margherita Russo

Questo webinar sarà l'occasione per un approfondimento sul ruolo delle università nel sostenere processi di innovazione che trasformano il loro ecosistema.

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11.00 Introductory remarks
Lamia Kamal Chaoui, Director, OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
Stina Höök, Member of the regional council and executive chair of the regional development board, Region Värmland, Sweden
Lars Christensen, vice regional director at Region Värmland, Sweden
Karen Refsgaard, Research Director/Deputy Director, Nordregio

11.30 Highlights from the Academy for Smart Specialisation in Karlstad
Anders Olsson, Enterprise and Innovation Manager at Region Värmland, Sweden
Håkan Spjuth,  Head of External Relations Karlstad University, CEO of Karlstad University Innovation AB, Sweden 

11.50 How can HEIs promote transformation in regional economies?
Dominique Foray, Director of the "Chaire en Économie et Management de l'Innovation" École Polytechnique de Lausanne, Switzerland John Goddard, Emeritus Professor of Regional Development Studies at Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Margherita Russo, Professor of Economic Policy, University of Modena, Italy 

12.50 Lunch Break

13.30 Round table discussion – the challenge of connecting academic research with “transformational” regional development
Vinnova, Sweden´s Innovation Agency
Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation (MEI), Québec Governement, Canada
Inter-American Development Bank
Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), European Commission
Union for the Mediterranean

Johan Sterte, Vice-Chancellor, University of Karlstad

14.50 Conclusions and way forward
Céline Kauffmann, Head of the SME and Entrepreneurship Division OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities.