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Science-industry co-creation in the digital economy

[online event] 1 luglio 2020, ore 14.00 - 16.30

organized by CIMR,Birkbeck University with the participation of i Federica Rossi and Annalisa Caloffi

The Centre for Innovation Management Research organises and online event, July 1th 2020, 14:00-16:30, on “Science-industry co-creation in the digital economy”
This event, the third in the series, will be given by Dr Federica Rossi and Dr Muthu De Silva on ‘Science-business co-creation in the digital economy’. Dr Laura Kreiling, OECD Science and Technology Policy Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, will be chairing this event. 

13:00-13:10 Introduction – Dr Laura Kreiling

13:10-13:20 Why do we need science-based co-creation? – Dr Muthu de Silva

13:20-13:30 Public innovation intermediaries and digital technology co-creation processes – Dr Federica Rossi

13:30-13:50 Q&A

13:50-14:00 Conclusions: Dr Laura Kreiling