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Presentation of the book “The Italian Public Finance”

Novara | November 14th 2017

Presentation of Giampaolo Arachi’s and Massimo Baldini’s book with the curators’ participation

The Italian Public Finance, Tuesday 14th November, 5,00 p.m., room CS03, Enterprise and Economics Studies Department, via Perrone 18, Novara. Presentation of the book by and with Giampaolo Arachi, University of Salento, Massimo Baldini, University of Modena and Giorgia Casalone, University of Eastern Piemonte, edited by Il Mulino with Eliana Baici, Di SEI director. The annual report poses the policies of the last governments relating to public accounts, inland revenue, assistance, health, education, federalism, public utilities, infrastructures, with particular attention to business taxation, pension, school and university under a critical observation.